Campbell-Walsh Urology – 2020 | کتاب اورولوژی کمپبل
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Campbell-Walsh Urology – 2020 | کتاب اورولوژی کمپبل
Campbell-Walsh Urology – 2020 – جدیدترین ویرایش از کتاب اورولوژی کمپل
تضمین بهترین کیفیت و قیمت | چاپ تمام رنگی | چهار جلدی
کتاب اورولوژی کمپل ۲۰۲۰
From the basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical and surgical care, Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology offers a depth and breadth of coverage you won’t find in any other urology reference. Now in three manageable volumes, the revised 12th Edition is a must-have text for students, residents, and seasoned practitioners, with authoritative, up-to-date content in an intuitively organized, easy-to-read format featuring key points, quick-reference tables, and handy algorithms throughout
Alan W. Partin & Craig A. Peters & Louis R. Kavoussi & Roger R. Dmochowski & Alan J. Wein
Product details – کتاب اورولوژی کمپل
- Series: Campbell-Walsh Urology
- Hardcover: ۴۱۷۶ pages
- Publisher: Elsevier; 12 edition (, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: ۱۴۵۵۷۷۵۶۷۳
- ISBN-13: ۹۷۸-۱۴۵۵۷۷۵۶۷۵
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #۱,۱۹۷,۱۸۲ in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #۱۱۸ in Urology (Books)
Table of Contents
Video Contents
Volume I
Part I Clinical Decision Making
۱ Evaluation of the Urologic Patient
۲ Evaluation of the Urologic Patient
۳ Urinary Tract Imaging
۴ Urinary Tract Imaging
۵ Urinary Tract Imaging
۶ Assessment of Urologic and Surgical Outcomes
۷ Ethics and Informed Consent
Part II Basics of Urologic Surgery
۸ Principles of Urologic Surgery
۹ Principles of Urologic Surgery
۱۰ Principles of Urologic Surgery
۱۱ Lower Urinary Tract Catheterization
۱۲ Fundamentals of Upper Urinary Tract Drainage
۱۳ Principles of Urologic Endoscopy
۱۴ Fundamentals of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery
۱۵ Basic Energy Modalities in Urologic Surgery
۱۶ Evaluation and Management of Hematuria
۱۷ Complications of Urologic Surgery
۱۸ Urologic Considerations in Pregnancy
۱۹ Intraoperative Consultation
Part III Pediatric Urology
Section A Development and Prenatal Urology
۲۰ Embryology of the Genitourinary Tract
۲۱ Urologic Aspects of Pediatric Nephrology
۲۲ Perinatal Urology
۲۳ Urologic Evaluation of the Child
۲۴ Pediatric Urogenital Imaging
۲۵ Infection and Inflammation of the Pediatric Genitourinary Tract
۲۶ Core Principles of Perioperative Management in Children
۲۷ Principles of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery in Children
۲۸ Clinical and Urodynamic Evaluation of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Children
۲۹ Management Strategies for Vesicoureteral Reflux
۳۱ Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex
۳۲ Prune-Belly Syndrome
۳۳ Posterior Urethral Valves
۳۴ Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Lower Urinary Tract in Children
۳۵ Functional Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract in Children
۳۶ Management of Defecation Disorders
۳۷ Lower Urinary Tract Reconstruction in Children
۳۸ Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract
۳۹ Renal Dysgenesis and Cystic Disease of the Kidney
۴۰ Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract Obstruction
۴۱ Ectopic Ureter, Ureterocele, and Ureteral Anomalies
۴۲ Surgery of the Ureter in Children
۴۳ Management of Pediatric Kidney Stone Disease
۴۴ Management of Abnormalities of the External Genitalia in Boys
۴۵ Hypospadias
۴۶ Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management of the Undescended Testis
۴۷ Management of Abnormalities of the Genitalia in Girls
۴۸ Disorders of Sexual Development
۴۹ Surgical Management of Differences of Sexual Differentiation and Cloacal and Anorectal Malformations
۵۰ Adolescent and Transitional Urology
۵۱ Urologic Considerations in Pediatric Renal Transplantation
۵۲ Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma
۵۳ Pediatric Urologic Oncology
Wilms Tumor
۵۴ Pediatric Urologic Oncology
Volume II
Part IV Infections and Inflammation
۵۵ Infections of the Urinary Tract
۵۶ Inflammatory and Pain Conditions of the Male Genitourinary Tract
۵۷ Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome and Related Disorders
۵۸ Sexually Transmitted Diseases*
۵۹ Cutaneous Diseases of the External Genitalia
۶۰ Tuberculosis and Parasitic Infections of the Genitourinary Tract
Part V Molecular and Cellular Biology
۶۱ Basic Principles of Immunology and Immunotherapy in Urologic Oncology
۶۲ Molecular Genetics and Cancer Biology
Part VI Reproductive and Sexual Function
۶۳ Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System
۶۴ Male Reproductive Physiology
۶۵ Integrated Men’s Health
۶۶ Male Infertility
۶۷ Surgical Management of Male Infertility
۶۸ Physiology of Penile Erection and Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction
۶۹ Evaluation and Management of Erectile Dysfunction
۷۰ Priapism
۷۱ Disorders of Male Orgasm and Ejaculation
۷۲ Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction
۷۳ Diagnosis and Management of Peyronie’s Disease
۷۴ Sexual Function and Dysfunction in the Female
Part VII Male Genitalia
۷۵ Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Retroperitoneum
۷۶ Neoplasms of the Testis
۷۷ Surgery of Testicular Tumors
۷۸ Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy for Testicular Tumors
۷۹ Tumors of the Penis
۸۰ Tumors of the Urethra
۸۱ Inguinal Node Dissection
۸۲ Surgery for Benign Disorders of the Penis and Urethra
۸۳ Surgery of the Scrotum and Seminal Vesicles
Part VIII Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology
۸۴ Surgical, Radiologic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Kidney and Ureter
۸۵ Physiology and Pharmacology of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter
۸۶ Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology Including Renovascular Hypertension
۸۷ Renal Insufficiency and Ischemic Nephropathy
۸۸ Urologic Complications of Renal Transplantation
Part IX Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction and Trauma
۸۹ Management of Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction
۹۰ Upper Urinary Tract Trauma
Part X Urinary Lithiasis and Endourology
۹۱ Urinary Lithiasis
۹۲ Evaluation and Medical Management of Urinary Lithiasis
۹۳ Strategies for Nonmedical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
۹۴ Surgical Management for Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
۹۵ Lower Urinary Tract Calculi
Part XI Neoplasms of the Upper Urinary Tract
۹۶ Benign Renal Tumors
۹۷ Malignant Renal Tumors
۹۸ Urothelial Tumors of the Upper Urinary Tract and Ureter
۹۹ Surgical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Tumors
۱۰۰ Retroperitoneal Tumors
۱۰۱ Open Surgery of the Kidney
۱۰۲ Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery of the Kidney
۱۰۳ Nonsurgical Focal Therapy for Renal Tumors
۱۰۴ Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
Volume III
Part XII The Adrenals
۱۰۵ Surgical and Radiographic Anatomy of the Adrenals
Anatomic Relationships
Surgical Landmarks
Adrenal Vasculature
Adrenal Nerves
Suggested Readings
۱۰۶ Pathophysiology, Evaluation, and Medical Management of Adrenal Disorders
Historical Background
Adrenal Anatomy and Embryology
Adrenal Physiology
Adrenal Disorders
Evaluation of Adrenal Lesions in Urologic Practice
Suggested Readings
۱۰۷ Surgery of the Adrenal Glands
Evolution of Adrenal Surgery
Surgical Anatomy
Clinical Indications for Adrenalectomy
Indications and Contraindications for Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Preoperative and Perioperative Management
Open Adrenalectomy
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Robot-Assisted Adrenalectomy
Robot-Assisted Posterior Retroperitoneal Adrenalectomy
Hand-Assisted Surgery
Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Adrenalectomy
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery–Assisted Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Partial Adrenalectomy
Ablative Therapy for Adrenal Tumors
Future of Adrenal Surgery
Suggested Readings
Part XIII Urine Transport, Storage, and Emptying
۱۰۸ Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
Surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
Radiographic Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
۱۰۹ Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Male Pelvis
Bony Pelvis
Lower Abdominal Wall
Soft Tissues of the Pelvis
Pelvic Circulation
Pelvic Viscera
Endoscopic Anatomy
Radiographic Anatomy
۱۱۰ Physiology and Pharmacology of the Bladder and Urethra
Lower Urinary Tract Anatomy
Bladder Compartments
Overview of the Urethra
Urothelial Physiology
Smooth Muscle Physiology
Bladder Mechanics
Neural Control of the Lower Urinary Tract
Clinical Relevance
Future Research
۱۱۱ Pathophysiology and Classification of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
Normal Lower Urinary Tract Function: Overview
Micturition Cycle: Simplification and Overview
Abnormalities of Filling/Storage and Emptying/Voiding: Overview of Pathophysiology
Classification Systems
Suggested Readings
۱۱۲ Evaluation and Management of Women With Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Prolapse
Definition and Impact of Pelvic Floor Disorders
Diagnostic Evaluation
Physical Examination
Supplemental Evaluation
Suggested Readings
۱۱۳ Evaluation and Management of Men With Urinary Incontinence
Types of Urinary Incontinence
Principal Methods of Treating Men With Urinary Incontinence
Management of Different Urinary Incontinence Types in Men
Suggested Readings
۱۱۴ Urodynamic and Video-Urodynamic Evaluation of the Lower Urinary Tract
Role of Urodynamics in Clinical Practice
Conducting a Urodynamic Study: Patient and Technical Factors
Components of the Urodynamic Study
Urodynamic Equipment
The Urodynamic Study: Analysis and Interpetation
Ambulatory Urodynamics
Clinical Applications of Urodynamic Studies: Evidence-Based Review and Guidelines Pertaining to Urodynamics
Future Directions
۱۱۵ Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Prolapse
Definition and Classification of Urinary Incontinence
Terminology of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Incontinence
Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence in Women
Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence in Women
Epidemiology of Urinary Incontinence in Men
Definitions and Classification of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Epidemiology of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Relationship Between Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Consequences of Urinary Incontinence and Prolapse
Physiology of Urinary Continence
Pathophysiology of Urinary Incontinence: General Principles
Pathophysiology of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women
Pathophysiology of Insensible Incontinence
Pelvic Floor Support Mechanism
Pathophysiology of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Suggested Readings
۱۱۶ Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Lower Urinary Tract
Patterns of Neuropathic Voiding Dysfunction
Diseases at or Above the Brainstem
Diseases Primarily Involving the Spinal Cord
Disease Distal to the Spinal Cord
Miscellaneous Neurologic Diseases Causing Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
Miscellaneous Conditions Definitely, Probably, or Possibly Related to Neuromuscular Dysfunction
Treatment of Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction: Overview
Suggested Readings
۱۱۷ Overactive Bladder
Terminology and Definitions
Epidemiology and Economics
Pathophysiology and Etiology
Clinical Assessment
Suggested Readings
۱۱۸ The Underactive Detrusor
Terminology, Definitions, and Symptoms
Regenerative Medicine
Suggested Readings
۱۱۹ Nocturia
Rationale for Evaluation and Management
Cause and Management
Suggested Readings
۱۲۰ Pharmacologic Management of Lower Urinary Tract Storage and Emptying Failure
Pharmacologic Therapy to Facilitate Bladder Filling and Urine Storage
Pharmacologic Therapy to Facilitate Bladder Emptying
Suggested Readings
۱۲۱ Conservative Management of Urinary Incontinence
Assessment Before Behavioral Treatments
Patient Education
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
Behavioral Training With Urge Suppression
Role of Biofeedback
Pelvic Floor Muscle Electrical Stimulation
Bladder Training and Scheduled Voiding Regimens
Behavioral Treatment for Voiding and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Prevention of Urinary Incontinence
Vaginal and Urethral Mechanical Devices for Incontinence
Models of Delivery
Suggested Readings
۱۲۲ Electrical Stimulation and Neuromodulation in Storage and Emptying Failure
History of Electrical Stimulation
Neurophysiology Relevant to Electrical Stimulation for Storage and Voiding Disorders
Sacral Anterior Root Stimulation and Sacral Dorsal Rhizotomy
Goal and Effect of Dorsal Rhizotomy of the Sacral Nerves
Current and Future Perspectives for Neurostimulation
Working Mechanism of Electrical Stimulation in Non-Neurogenic Storage and Voiding Disorders
Techniques of Electrostimulation of the Lower Urinary Tract
Constant Versus Intermittent Stimulation
Rechargeable Neurostimulator
Other Issues
Suggested Readings
۱۲۳ Retropubic Suspension Surgery for Incontinence in Women
Therapeutic Options
Choice of Surgical Technique
Assessing Outcomes of Therapy
Indications for Retropubic Repair
General Technical Issues
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Procedure
Burch Colposuspension
Paravaginal Repair
Vagino-Obturator Shelf Repair
Laparoscopic Retropubic Suspension
Complications of Retropubic Repairs
Comparisons of Incontinence Procedures
World Without Mesh
Suggested Readings
۱۲۴ Vaginal and Abdominal Reconstructive Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Preparing the Patient for Prolapse Surgery
Use of Mesh in Vaginal Surgery: Current Controversy
Surgical Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
۱۲۵ Slings
The Evolution of Slings
Pathophysiology of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Sling Mechanism of Action
The Age of the Mid-Urethral Sling
Preoperative Assessment
Alternative Treatment Options
Pubovaginal Sling (PVS)
Pubovaginal Sling Operative Procedure
Outcomes of Pubovaginal Slings for Predominantly Stress Urinary Incontinence
Outcomes of Autologous Pubovaginal Slings for Mixed Urinary Incontinence
Outcomes of Autologous Pubovaginal Slings for Urethral Reconstruction
Voiding Dysfunction Secondary to Bladder Outlet Obstruction After Pubovaginal Sling Surgery
Complications of Pubovaginal Slings
Mid-Urethral Slings
Mid-Urethral Sling Operative Procedures
Complications of Retropubic, Transobturator, and Single-Incision Mid-Urethral Slings
Mid-Urethral Sling Trocar Injury to the Urinary Tract
Sexual Dysfunction After Mid-Urethral Sling Surgery
Other Complications After Mid-Urethral Sling Surgery
Suggested Readings
۱۲۶ Complications Related to the Use of Mesh and Their Repair
Mesh and Its Properties
Mesh Slings for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Risk Factors for Mesh Sling Complications
Mesh Complications Among the Three Slings
Male Mesh Slings
۱۲۷ Additional Therapies for Storage and Emptying Failure
Additional Therapies for Storage Failure at the Bladder Level
Additional Therapies for Storage Failure at the Bladder Outlet
Additional Therapies for Emptying
Additional Therapies for Storage and Emptying Failure: Circumventing the Problem
Suggested Readings
۱۲۸ Aging and Geriatric Urology
Biology and Principles of Aging
Demographics of Aging
Clinical Evaluation of the Geriatric Urology Patient
End-of-Life Care and Urology
Suggested Readings
۱۲۹ Urinary Tract Fistulae
General Considerations
Vesicovaginal Fistulae
Iatrogenic Fistulae
Ureteric Fistulae
Vesicouterine Fistulae
Urethrovaginal Fistulae
Uroenteric Fistulae
Pyeloenteric Fistulae
Rectourethral Fistulae
Urovascular Fistulae
Renovascular and Pyelovascular Fistulae
Ureterovascular Fistulae
Oncologic and Radiation Fistulae
Cancer Surgery
Radiation Fistulae
Other Urinary Fistulae
Suggested Readings
۱۳۰ Bladder and Female Urethral Diverticula
Bladder Diverticula
Female Urethral Diverticula
Urethral Diverticula
Suggested Readings
۱۳۱ Surgical Procedures for Sphincteric Incontinence in the Male
Classification, Pathophysiology, and Etiology
Indications for Surgery
Technique of Device Implantation
Artificial Urinary Sphincter Complications
Long-Term Results of Artificial Urinary Sphincters and Slings
Future Directions
Suggested Readings
Part XIV Benign and Malignant Bladder Disorders
۱۳۲ Bladder Surgery for Benign Disease
Bladder Anatomy and Surgical Considerations
Bladder Diverticulectomy
Ureteral Reimplantation
Psoas Hitch and Boari Flap
Partial Cystectomy and Urachal Surgery
Bladder Stones and Foreign-Body Removal
۱۳۳ Genital and Lower Urinary Tract Trauma
Injuries of the External Genitalia
Bladder Injury
Urethral Injury
Suggested Readings
۱۳۴ Special Urologic Considerations in Transgender Individuals
Urologic Issues in Gender Nonconforming Youths
Urologic Issues in Male-to-Female Transsexuals (Transwomen)
Urologic Issues in Female-to-Male Transsexuals (Transmen)
Postoperative Care, Follow-Up, and Urethral Complications
Suggested Readings
۱۳۵ Tumors of the Bladder
Economic Impact
Risk Factors
Detection of Urothelial Carcinoma
Histologic Variants of Urothelial Carcinoma
۱۳۶ Management Strategies for Non–Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (Ta, T1, and CIS)
Pathology: Grading and Staging
Endoscopic Surgical Management
Intravesical Therapy
Refractory High-Grade Disease
Surveillance and Prevention
Suggested Readings
۱۳۷ Management of Muscle-Invasive and Metastatic Bladder Cancer
Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Evaluation
Radical Cystectomy and Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
Neoadjuvant Therapy for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
Adjuvant Therapy for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
Prognostic Nomograms for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
Management of Metastatic Bladder Cancer
Suggested Readings
۱۳۸ Surgical Management of Bladder Cancer
Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumors
Patient Preparation
Surgical Technique
Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
Radical Cystectomy: Male
Radical Cystectomy: Female
Partial Cystectomy
Robotic Radical Cystectomy
Suggested Readings
۱۳۹ Use of Intestinal Segments in Urinary Diversion
Surgical Anatomy
Selecting the Segment of Intestine
Preparing the Bowel for Surgery and Postoperative Recovery
Intestinal Anastomoses
Ureterointestinal Anastomoses
Renal Deterioration
Urinary Diversion
Metabolic and Neurochemical Problems of Urinary Intestinal Diversion
۱۴۰ Cutaneous Continent Urinary Diversion
General Considerations
Patient Selection
Patient Preparation
Postoperative Care and Comments
Continent Urinary Diversion
Quality-of-Life Assessments
Variations in Operative Technique
Suggested Readings
۱۴۱ Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
History of Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
Basic Principles of Continent Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
Patient Selection
Continence Mechanism in Patients Undergoing Orthotopic Diversion
Surgical Techniques for Continence Preservation During Radical Cystectomy
Techniques for Orthotopic Bladder Substitution
Results and Complications of Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
Suggested Readings
۱۴۲ Minimally Invasive Urinary Diversion
Incorporation of Robot-Assisted Approach
Patient Selection
Surgeon Choice
Preoperative Care
Patient Position and Port Placement
Anatomic Considerations in Men
Anatomic Considerations in Women
Ileal Conduit
Intracorporeal Neobladder
Future Directions
Suggested Readings
Part XV The Prostate
۱۴۳ Development, Molecular Biology, and Physiology of the Prostate
Developmental and Cell Biology
Endocrine Control of Prostate Growth
Prostatic Secretions and Proteins
Suggested Readings
۱۴۴ Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Etiology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Epidemiology and Natural History
Complications of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Suggested Readings
۱۴۵ Evaluation and Nonsurgical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Diagnostic Evaluation
Management of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Caused by Benign Prostatic Enlargement
Androgen Manipulation
Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
β۳-Agonist (Mirabegron)
Prognosis of Patients Receiving Medical Treatment for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Acute Urinary Retention
Future Directions in Medical Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
۱۴۶ Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Epidemiology and Marketshare
Defining Outcomes
Presurgical Factors
Specific Technologies
Failed, Failing, and Future Directions
Suggested Readings
۱۴۷ Simple Prostatectomy
Indications for Simple Prostatectomy
Preoperative Evaluation
Operating Day Preparation
Surgical Technique
Postoperative Management
Postoperative Management
Complications of Simple Prostatectomy
Suggested Readings
۱۴۸ Epidemiology, Etiology, and Prevention of Prostate Cancer
Risk Factors
Etiology and Molecular Genetics
Pharmacologic Agents
Vitamins and Micronutrients
۱۴۹ Prostate Cancer Biomarkers
Biomarker Development
Assessment of Biomarker Performance
Blood-Based Biomarkers
Urine-Based Biomarkers
Tissue-Based Biomarkers
Suggested Readings
۱۵۰ Prostate Biopsy
Ultrasonographic Anatomy of the Prostate
Gray-Scale Transrectal Ultrasonography
Prostate Biopsy: Techniques and Outcomes
Advanced and Investigational Techniques for Prostate Biopsy
Suggested Readings
۱۵۱ Pathology of Prostatic Neoplasia
Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Subtypes of Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Suggested Readings
۱۵۲ Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer
Suggested Readings
۱۵۳ Active Management Strategies for Localized Prostate Cancer
Host Evaluation
Selection of Treatment: Comparative Studies
Patient Counseling: a Stepwise Decision Approach
۱۵۴ Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer
The Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment Problem
The Natural History of Prostate Cancer
Outcome of Active Surveillance
Other Risk Factors
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Caveats of Tissue-Based Genomics
Psychological Aspects
Lifestyle Management
Pharmacologic Intervention
Barriers to Active Surveillance
Research Questions
۱۵۵ Open Radical Prostatectomy
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Surgical Anatomy
Surgical Technique
Summary of Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy
Suggested Readings
۱۵۶ Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
Evolution of Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
Patient Selection
Preoperative Preparation
Surgical Technique
Postoperative Management
Complications of Robotic Prostatectomy
Postoperative Complications
Functional Outcomes
Salvage Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
Minimally Invasive Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
۱۵۷ Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Historical Perspective and Technological Advances
External Beam Radiation Treatment (Also See Outcomes for External Beam Radiation)
Androgen Suppression Combined With Radiation
Role of Prophylactic Pelvic Nodal Treatment
Treatment Morbidity and Quality-of-Life Outcomes
Evaluating the Response to Radiation Therapy
Treatment Efficacy
Suggested Readings
۱۵۸ Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Concepts and Historical Perspective
Biologic Basis for Prostate Focal Therapy
Clinical Applications of Focal Therapy
Patient Selection
Advanced Imaging Techniques in Prostate Cancer
Promising Imaging Modalities
Ablation Patterns and Current Technologies
Conclusions and Areas for Future Research
۱۵۹ Treatment of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
Trends in Incidence and Treatment
Natural History
Radical Prostatectomy
Radiation Therapy
Focal Ablative Therapy
Androgen Deprivation and Its Timing
Management of Delayed Sequelae
Clinical Trials
Suggested Readings
۱۶۰ Management Strategies for Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer
Radical Prostatectomy
Radiation Therapy
۱۶۱ Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Historical Overview
Molecular Biology of the Androgen Axis
Mechanisms of Androgen Blockade
Clinical Follow-Up on Hormonal Therapy
Combination Therapy
Timing of Therapy
۱۶۲ Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Clinical Considerations
Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
Next-Generation Hormonal Therapies
Targeted Treatments
Palliative Management
Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer
Suggested Readings
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۱۳,۹۵۰,۰۰۰ ریال–۱۵,۵۰۰,۰۰۰ ریال -
تخفیف%31 تخفیفانتخاب گزینه ها این محصول دارای انواع مختلفی می باشد. گزینه ها ممکن است در صفحه محصول انتخاب شوند
Hematopathology – A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology 3rd Edition
۱۱,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ ریال–۱۲,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ ریال
هیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.