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Textbook of Dermatology for Homeopaths

قیمت منصفانه

ارسال سریع

تنوع و کیفیت بالا

پشتیبانی و پاسخگویی




ویراست چهارم

نوبت چاپ




تعداد صفحات


نقد و بررسی اجمالی

خلاصه کتاب :

As far as homoeopathic physicians are concerned the study of skin diseases are very important, because skin is one of the most important site of action of our medicines. But many homeopathic doctors fail miserably resulting in severe aggravation and complications due to lack of proper knowledge about various skin disorders and many physicians from other system of medicine blaming our system on account of this.

Third edition of this book by experienced teachers Dr. Ramji Gupta & Dr. R.K. Manchanda – they did  much research on dermatology with homeopathy – will definitely help the practitioners of homeopathy to a great extend.

Distinguishing features:

Covers wide array of information on skin diseases from authors rich experience – includes Bacterial infections, Fungal infections, Hair, Viral infections, Diseases of hair, Diseases of nails, Disorders of pigmentation, Allergic disorders etc

Original coloured photographs (Indian patients) of skin diseases included

Miasmatic concept of skin diseases

Dermatological conditions with important homeopathic remedies

The book that provides practical application of homeopathy in skin diseases. This is an improved edition in which not only the mistakes of the previous edition have been corrected but better photographs have been provided along with new additions in a good quality paper.  More than 10,000 copies of the previous editions had sold in the past.

A sketch diagram of the structure of the skin will facilitate better understanding and detail anatomy of skin has been added.

The general principles of homeopathic treatment, details of skin structure, its functions and the approach of history taking in skin diseases in the three chapters will prove extremely useful to both the undergraduate students as well as practitioners.

An appendix at the end of the text gives details of some selected homeopathic medicines with their indications, miasmatic analysis, will be useful to the practitioners at large.


General principles of Homeopathic Treatment

Miasmatic concept of skin disease

Structure and functions of skin

History and examinations

Hereditary disorders


Nutritional deficiencies

Metabolic disorders

Disease due to physical agents

Bacterial infections



Fungal infections

Viral infections

Disease due to arthroposds

Diseases of hair

Diseases of sebaceous glands

Diseases of sweat glands

Diseases of nails

Disorders of pigmentation

Allergic disorders

Auto immune disorders

Tumors of Skin

Miscellaneous disorders

Homeopathic Medicines in dermatology

Miasmatic status of Skin diseases

Further reading


نویسنده: Ramji Gupta ، R. K Manchanda
سال نشر: ۲۰۱۱
ناشر: B. Jain ، اشراقیه


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